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Needing vs. yearning for a relationship

This video is part of the free "inside coaching" series.
... or listen to this episode on Anchor.fm: 
Needing vs. yearning for a relationship

At first blush, needing a relationship vs. yearning for a relationship seem to be the same thing. After all, it's a similar sense of being pulled toward something that you don't have now. An aching, a yearning. When we *need* a relationship, it comes from a (completely untrue) belief that we are lacking something in our lives and if we had it, we would be whole, good, worthy. But what has always been true is that you are lovable right here and now when you claim it and own it. And from that claiming of love and practicing love (with yourself, with your friends, with your family, with strangers), you create more of it. And as that love overflows more and more, your heart aches with the desire to share it on a deeper and deeper level; your heart yearns to share this love in romantic relationship.

P.S. This video is part of the free "inside coaching" series.

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