Inside coaching:

Did me getting herpes happen for a reason?

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Did me getting herpes happen for a reason?
"The quality of the questions we ask can create really powerful answers: 'Why me?' is a very different question from 'What is this here to teach me?'"

People ask me if there is some bigger cosmic reason why they got herpes. Was it to teach them some sort of a lesson? The short answer is: I don't know. But the truly magical thing to consider is that you — as a human being and the sole perceiver of your world from behind your eyes — get to make sense of your own life and everything in it. You. Make. Sense. In essence, you create your own reality by choosing how to perceive it, by choosing the beliefs you hold and how they paint your experience of your life. So what sense are you making? And is it supporting you in where you want to go in your life?

P.S. This video is part of the free "inside coaching" series.

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