"The talk" ... An opportunity for deep connection?

Using the lessons of this short free e-book + 2 accompanying handouts, you'll go into any disclosure conversation with confidence and optimism.

Herpes disclosure ebook and handouts

What the free ebook + handouts cover:

  • Find out what's more important than the words you use for disclosing to partners. (Hint: what beliefs are behind your words?)
  • How to set the stage for a successful and connected talk.
  • Discover an empowered perspective on what rejection actually is.
  • Get all the facts and figures you need — all condensed into easy-to-reference handouts (great to have on-hand for "the talk")!
  • ... and many more perspective shifts to help you feel like yourself again!

P.S. Want to learn how to truly become stigma bulletproof?
Check out the audio course.

Herpes disclosure ebook and handouts

What it covers:

  • Find out what's more important than the words you use for disclosing to partners. (Hint: what beliefs are behind your words?)
  • How to set the stage for a successful and connected talk.
  • Discover an empowered perspective on what rejection actually is.
  • Get all the facts and figures you need — all condensed into easy-to-reference handouts (great to have on-hand for "the talk")!
  • ... and many more perspective shifts to help you feel like yourself again!

P.S. Want to learn how to truly become stigma bulletproof?
Check out the audio course.